Episode 18

June 04, 2022


Episode 18 The First Computer Programmer

Hosted by

Matt Ditter Celine Williams
Episode 18 The First Computer Programmer
Peculiar Pairings Podcast
Episode 18 The First Computer Programmer

Jun 04 2022 | 01:14:24


Show Notes

Who invented the first computer program and when? The answer is more surprising than you think.

In this episde we take a deep dive into the story of Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer. Come and learn about one of the bad ass women of history.

This week's pairing is the code monkey and a choice of your favortive fritos. To make a code monkey use equal parts mountain dew and diet coke (or your preferred cola) and add a little hard liquor of your choice. Celine preferred it with Gin and Matt preferred it with fireball.


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