Episode 27

October 08, 2022


Episode 27 Equal Opportunity Witch Trials

Hosted by

Matt Ditter Celine Williams
Episode 27 Equal Opportunity Witch Trials
Peculiar Pairings Podcast
Episode 27 Equal Opportunity Witch Trials

Oct 08 2022 | 01:18:38


Show Notes

Have you heard of any other Witch Trials outside of the famous trials in Salem, MA?

This week we cover the large and generally not talked about in America, Würzburg witch trials. The biggest hunts, trials and persecutions of witches in Europe, and potentially the world. Maybe you've heard of it before now, or if you're like us, this will be new to you!

Our pairing this week is the Paulauner Lager and kielbasa. We would suggest maybe adding a beer cheese or getting a type of cheesewurst for this pairing, since we believe that would hit this pairing out of the park.



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