Episode 32

January 27, 2023


Episode 32 The King, Elvis Presley

Hosted by

Matt Ditter Celine Williams
Episode 32 The King, Elvis Presley
Peculiar Pairings Podcast
Episode 32 The King, Elvis Presley

Jan 27 2023 | 01:40:09


Show Notes

This week we come to you with a special guest and Elvis Presley officianato Tom Ditter, the father of Matt and Uncle of Celine.

We take a shallow dive into Elvis and his life and legacy as the king of rock and roll.

Our food pairings are fried chicken and the liquified Peanutbutter, banana and bacon sandwich. Comprised of a grainbelt beer, screwball peanutbutter whiskey, 99 bananas and bacon whiskey.


Fried Chicken: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/elvis-presley-secret-favorite-fried-chicken.html/?fbclid=IwAR08DhAWV8dqOu9zFyVkDVvQmycsAKnOai4YA6M52E3VU5NdnxiqpjqxrlE


Elvis's performances:





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