Episode 6

November 25, 2021


Episode 6 The Not so Kumbaya Thanksgiving

Hosted by

Matt Ditter Celine Williams
Episode 6 The Not so Kumbaya Thanksgiving
Peculiar Pairings Podcast
Episode 6 The Not so Kumbaya Thanksgiving

Nov 25 2021 | 01:09:58


Show Notes

This week's episode Celine tells Matt about the different Thanksgiving celebrations around the world and the beginning of Thanksgiving as we know it today in the US. Be preapared to listen and learn about all sorts of things that are thanksgiving related. Sit back and relax and hear more about this fun holiday.

Our episode food and drink pairing is the DQ pumpkin pie blizzard with a moscato wine of your choice. For Matt it was Yellow Tail and for Celine it was Barefoot Apple Fruitscato.


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