Episode 63

February 26, 2024


Episode 63 Contrails or Chemtrails?

Hosted by

Matt Ditter Celine Williams
Episode 63 Contrails or Chemtrails?
Peculiar Pairings Podcast
Episode 63 Contrails or Chemtrails?

Feb 26 2024 | 01:39:46


Show Notes

Have you ever wondered about the white streaks left behind airplanes? This week we are diving into the conspiracy that is Chemtrails!

We go over the difference between the contrails we see on a near daily basis vs the chemtrails and their nefarious purposes. Additionally, we'll address misconceptions surrounding "chemtrails" and clarify the facts based on scientific evidence.

Our drink of choice this week is the B52 shot and some twizzlers of your choice!


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