Episode 80

September 16, 2024


Episode 80 I do Believe in Fairies and the Fae

Hosted by

Matt Ditter Celine Williams
Episode 80 I do Believe in Fairies and the Fae
Peculiar Pairings Podcast
Episode 80 I do Believe in Fairies and the Fae

Sep 16 2024 | 02:33:10


Show Notes

I do believe in Fairies, or at least I thought I did....

This week we dive into the mystical beings that are Fairies and the Fae. Celine take us through the folklore findings, what Fae beings and Fairies are and how trying to provide proof of these other worldly beings has dooped even the most investigative people.

Matt delights us with the pairing that is a sprite and whiskey along with a Pixie Stick. Defintately a pairing for your inner sweet tooth.


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